Source code for cooler._reduce

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import warnings
from bisect import bisect_right
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from import Iterator
from typing import Any, Literal

import h5py
import multiprocess as mp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ._logging import get_logger
from ._typing import MapFunctor
from ._version import __format_version_mcool__
from .api import Cooler
from .create import ContactBinner, create
from .parallel import lock
from .util import GenomeSegmentation, parse_cooler_uri

__all__ = ["coarsen_cooler", "merge_coolers", "zoomify_cooler"]

logger = get_logger(__name__)



def merge_breakpoints(
    indexes: list[np.ndarray | h5py.Dataset],
    bufsize: int
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Given ``k`` bin1_offset indexes, determine how to partition the data from
    ``k`` corresponding pixel tables for a k-way merge.

    The paritition is a subsequence of bin1 IDs, defining the bounds of chunks
    of data that will be loaded into memory from each table in a single "epoch"
    of merging data. The bounds are calculated such that no single epoch will
    load more than ``bufsize`` records into memory.

    However, the ``bufsize`` condition is not guaranteed and a warning will be
    raised if it cannot be satisfied for one or more epochs (see Notes).

    indexes : sequence of 1D array-like of equal length
        Offset arrays that map bin1 IDs to their offset locations in a
        corresponding pixel table.
    bufsize : int
        Maximum number of pixel records loaded into memory in a single merge

    bin1_partition : 1D array
        Bin1 IDs defining where to partition all the tables for merging.
    cum_nrecords : 1D array
        Cumulative number of records (from all pixel tables combined) that will
        be processed at each epoch.

    The one exception to the post-condition is when a single bin1 increment in
    a table contains more than ``bufsize`` records.
    # This is a "virtual" cumulative index if all the tables were concatenated
    # and sorted but no pixel records were aggregated. It helps us track how
    # many records would be processed at each merge epoch.
    # NOTE: We sum these incrementally in case the indexes are lazy to avoid
    # loading all indexes into memory at once.
    combined_index = np.zeros(indexes[0].shape)
    for i in range(len(indexes)):
        combined_index += indexes[i]
    combined_start = 0
    combined_nnz = combined_index[-1]

    bin1_partition = [0]
    cum_nrecords = [0]
    lo = 0
    while True:
        # Find the next bin1 ID from the combined index
        hi = bisect_right(
            min(combined_start + bufsize, combined_nnz),
        ) - 1

        if hi == lo:
            # This means number of records to nearest mark exceeds `bufsize`.
            # Check for oversized chunks afterwards.
            hi += 1


        if combined_index[hi] == combined_nnz:

        lo = hi
        combined_start = combined_index[hi]

    bin1_partition = np.array(bin1_partition)
    cum_nrecords = np.array(cum_nrecords)

    nrecords_per_epoch = np.diff(cum_nrecords)
    n_over = (nrecords_per_epoch > bufsize).sum()
    if n_over > 0:
            f"{n_over} merge epochs will require buffering more than {bufsize} "
            f"pixel records, with as many as {nrecords_per_epoch.max():g}.",

    return bin1_partition, cum_nrecords

class CoolerMerger(ContactBinner):
    Implementation of cooler merging.


    def __init__(
        coolers: list[Cooler],
        mergebuf: int,
        columns: list[str] | None = None,
        agg: dict[str, Any] | None = None
        self.coolers = list(coolers)
        self.mergebuf = mergebuf
        self.columns = ["count"] if columns is None else columns
        self.agg = {col: "sum" for col in self.columns}
        if agg is not None:

        # check compatibility between input coolers
        binsize = coolers[0].binsize
        if binsize is not None:
            if len({c.binsize for c in coolers}) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Coolers must have the same resolution")
            chromsizes = coolers[0].chromsizes
            for i in range(1, len(coolers)):
                if not np.all(coolers[i].chromsizes == chromsizes):
                    raise ValueError("Coolers must have the same chromosomes")
            bins = coolers[0].bins()[["chrom", "start", "end"]][:]
            for i in range(1, len(coolers)):
                bins2 = coolers[i].bins()[["chrom", "start", "end"]][:]
                if (len(bins2) != len(bins)) or not np.all(bins2 == bins):
                    raise ValueError("Coolers must have same bin structure")

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
        # Load bin1_offset indexes lazily.
        indexes = ["r")["indexes/bin1_offset"] for c in self.coolers]

        # Calculate the common partition of bin1 offsets that define the epochs
        # of merging data.
        bin1_partition, cum_nrecords = merge_breakpoints(indexes, self.mergebuf)
        nrecords_per_epoch = np.diff(cum_nrecords)"n_merge_epochs: {len(nrecords_per_epoch)}")
        logger.debug(f"bin1_partition: {bin1_partition}")
        logger.debug(f"nrecords_per_merge_epoch: {nrecords_per_epoch}")

        nnzs = [len(c.pixels()) for c in self.coolers]"nnzs: {nnzs}")

        starts = [0] * len(self.coolers)
        for bin1_id in bin1_partition[1:]:
            stops = [index[bin1_id] for index in indexes]

            # extract, concat
            combined = pd.concat(
                    for c, start, stop in zip(self.coolers, starts, stops)
                    if (stop - start) > 0

            # sort and aggregate
            df = (
                combined.groupby(["bin1_id", "bin2_id"], sort=True)

            yield {k: v.values for k, v in df.items()}

  "records consumed: {stops}")
            starts = stops

[docs] def merge_coolers( output_uri: str, input_uris: list[str], mergebuf: int, columns: list[str] | None = None, dtypes: dict[str, Any] | None = None, agg: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Merge multiple coolers with identical axes. The merged cooler is stored at ``output_uri``. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 Parameters ---------- output_uri : str Output cooler file path or URI. input_uris : list of str List of input file path or URIs of coolers to combine. mergebuf : int Maximum number of pixels processed at a time. columns : list of str, optional Specify which pixel value columns to include in the aggregation. Default is to use all available value columns. dtypes : dict, optional Specific dtypes to use for value columns. Default is to propagate the current dtypes of the value columns. agg : dict, optional Functions to use for aggregating each value column. Pass the same kind of dict accepted by ``pandas.DataFrame.groupby.agg``. Default is to apply 'sum' to every value column. kwargs Passed to ``cooler.create``. Notes ----- The default output file mode is 'w'. If appending output to an existing file, pass `mode='a'`. See also -------- cooler.coarsen_cooler cooler.zoomify_cooler """ # TODO: combine metadata from inputs"Merging:\n{}".format("\n".join(input_uris))) clrs = [Cooler(path) for path in input_uris] is_symm = [clr.storage_mode == "symmetric-upper" for clr in clrs] if all(is_symm): symmetric_upper = True elif not any(is_symm): symmetric_upper = False else: raise ValueError("Cannot merge symmetric and non-symmetric coolers.") if columns is None: columns = ["count"] dtype_map = defaultdict(list) for clr in clrs: pixel_dtypes = clr.pixels().dtypes for col in columns: if col not in pixel_dtypes: raise ValueError( f"Pixel value column '{col}' not found in " f"input '{clr.filename}'." ) else: dtype_map[col].append(pixel_dtypes[col]) if dtypes is None: dtypes = {} for col in columns: if col not in dtypes: # Find a common dtype to accomodate all the inputs being merged. dtypes[col] = np.result_type(*dtype_map[col]) bins = clrs[0].bins()[["chrom", "start", "end"]][:] assembly = clrs[0].info.get("genome-assembly", None) iterator = CoolerMerger(clrs, mergebuf=mergebuf, columns=columns, agg=agg) create( output_uri, bins, iterator, columns=columns, dtypes=dtypes, assembly=assembly, symmetric_upper=symmetric_upper, **kwargs, )
def _greedy_prune_partition(edges: np.ndarray, maxlen: int) -> np.ndarray: """Given an integer interval partition ``edges`` from 0..nnz, prune the edges to make the new subintervals roughly ``maxlen`` in length. """ edges = np.asarray(edges) assert len(edges) >= 2 and edges[0] == 0 cumlen = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(np.diff(edges))] cuts = [maxlen * i for i in range(0, int(np.ceil(cumlen[-1] / maxlen)))] cuts.append(cumlen[-1]) idx = np.unique(np.searchsorted(cumlen, cuts)) return edges[idx] def get_quadtree_depth( chromsizes: pd.Series, base_binsize: int, bins_per_tile: int ) -> int: """ Number of zoom levels for a quad-tree tiling of a genomic heatmap. At the base resolution, we need N tiles, where N is the smallest power of 2 such that the tiles fully cover the 1D data extent. From that starting point, determine the number of zoom levels required to "coarsen" the map up to 1 tile. """ # length of a base-level tile in bp tile_length_bp = bins_per_tile * base_binsize # number of tiles required along 1 dimension at this base resolution total_bp = sum(chromsizes) n_tiles = math.ceil(total_bp / tile_length_bp) # number of aggregation levels required to reach a single tile n_zoom_levels = int(math.ceil(np.log2(n_tiles))) return n_zoom_levels def geomprog(start: int, mul: int) -> Iterator[int]: """ Generate a geometric progression of integers. Beginning with integer ``start``, yield an unbounded geometric progression with integer ratio ``mul``. """ start, mul = int(start), int(mul) yield start while True: start *= mul yield start def niceprog(start: int) -> Iterator[int]: """ Generate a nice progression of integers. Beginning with integer ``start``, yield a sequence of "nicely" spaced integers: an unbounded geometric progression with ratio 10, interspersed with steps of ratios 2 and 5. """ start = int(start) yield start while True: for mul in (2, 5, 10): yield start * mul start *= 10 def preferred_sequence( start: int, stop: int, style: Literal["binary", "nice"] = "nice" ) -> list[int]: """ Return a sequence of integers with a "preferred" stepping pattern. Parameters ---------- start : int Starting value in the progression. stop : int Upper bound of progression, inclusive. Values will not exceed this. style : {'nice', 'binary'} Style of progression. 'nice' gives geometric steps of 10 with 2 and 5 in between. 'binary' gives geometric steps of 2. Returns ------ list of int Examples -------- For certain values of `start` (n * 10^i), nice stepping produces familiar "preferred" sequences [1]_: Note denominations in Dollars (1-2-5) >>> preferred_sequence(1, 100, 'nice') [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] Coin denominations in Cents >>> preferred_sequence(5, 100, 'nice') [5, 10, 25, 50, 100] .. [1] """ if start > stop: return [] if style == "binary": gen = geomprog(start, 2) elif style == "nice": gen = niceprog(start) else: ValueError(f"Expected style value of 'binary' or 'nice'; got '{style}'.") seq = [next(gen)] while True: n = next(gen) if n > stop: break seq.append(n) return seq def get_multiplier_sequence( resolutions: list[int], bases: list[int] | None = None ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ From a set of target resolutions and one or more base resolutions deduce the most efficient sequence of integer multiple aggregations to satisfy all targets starting from the base resolution(s). Parameters ---------- resolutions: sequence of int The target resolutions bases: sequence of int, optional The base resolutions for which data already exists. If not provided, the smallest resolution is assumed to be the base. Returns ------- resn: 1D array Resolutions, sorted in ascending order. pred: 1D array Index of the predecessor resolution in `resn`. A value of -1 implies that the resolution is a base resolution. mult: 1D array Multiplier to go from predecessor to target resolution. """ if bases is None: # assume the base resolution is the smallest one bases = {min(resolutions)} else: bases = set(bases) resn = np.array(sorted(bases.union(resolutions))) pred = -np.ones(len(resn), dtype=int) mult = -np.ones(len(resn), dtype=int) for i, target in list(enumerate(resn))[::-1]: p = i - 1 while p >= 0: if target % resn[p] == 0: pred[i] = p mult[i] = target // resn[p] break else: p -= 1 for i, p in enumerate(pred): if p == -1 and resn[i] not in bases: raise ValueError( f"Resolution {resn[i]} cannot be derived from " f"the base resolutions: {bases}." ) return resn, pred, mult class CoolerCoarsener(ContactBinner): """ Implementation of cooler coarsening. """ def __init__( self, source_uri: str, factor: int, chunksize: int, columns: list[str], agg: dict[str, Any] | None, batchsize: int, map: MapFunctor = map, ): self._map = map self.source_uri = source_uri self.batchsize = batchsize assert isinstance(factor, int) and factor > 1 self.factor = factor self.chunksize = int(chunksize) self.index_columns = ["bin1_id", "bin2_id"] self.value_columns = list(columns) self.columns = self.index_columns + self.value_columns self.agg = {col: "sum" for col in self.value_columns} if agg is not None: self.agg.update(agg) clr = Cooler(source_uri) chromsizes = clr.chromsizes # Info for the old bin segmentation self.old_binsize = clr.binsize self.old_chrom_offset = clr._load_dset("indexes/chrom_offset") self.old_bin1_offset = clr._load_dset("indexes/bin1_offset") # Calculate the new bin segmentation if self.old_binsize is None: self.new_binsize = None else: self.new_binsize = self.old_binsize * factor old_bins = clr.bins()[["chrom", "start", "end"]][:] self.new_bins = self.coarsen_bins(old_bins, chromsizes, factor) = GenomeSegmentation(chromsizes, self.new_bins) # Pre-compute the partition of bin1 offsets that groups the pixels into # coarsened bins along the i-axis. Then remove some of the internal # edges of this partition to make bigger groups of pixels. This way # we ensure that none of the original groups gets split. edges = [] for _chrom, i in # Respect chrom1 boundaries c0 = self.old_chrom_offset[i] c1 = self.old_chrom_offset[i + 1] edges.extend(self.old_bin1_offset[c0:c1:factor]) edges.append(self.old_bin1_offset[-1]) self.edges = _greedy_prune_partition(edges, self.chunksize) @staticmethod def coarsen_bins( old_bins: pd.DataFrame, chromsizes: pd.Series, factor: int ) -> pd.DataFrame: def _each(group): out = group[["chrom", "start"]].copy().iloc[::factor] end = group["end"].iloc[factor - 1 :: factor].values if len(end) < len(out): end = np.r_[end, chromsizes[]] out["end"] = end return out return ( old_bins .groupby("chrom", observed=True)[["chrom", "start", "end"]] .apply(_each) .reset_index(drop=True) ) def _aggregate(self, span: tuple[int, int]) -> pd.DataFrame: lo, hi = span clr = Cooler(self.source_uri) # convert_enum=False returns chroms as raw ints table = clr.pixels(join=True, convert_enum=False)[self.columns] chunk = table[lo:hi]"{lo} {hi}") # use the "start" point as anchor for re-binning binsize = chrom_binoffset = chrom_abspos = start_abspos = chrom_id1 = chunk["chrom1"].values chrom_id2 = chunk["chrom2"].values start1 = chunk["start1"].values start2 = chunk["start2"].values if binsize is None: abs_start1 = chrom_abspos[chrom_id1] + start1 abs_start2 = chrom_abspos[chrom_id2] + start2 chunk["bin1_id"] = ( np.searchsorted(start_abspos, abs_start1, side="right") - 1 ) chunk["bin2_id"] = ( np.searchsorted(start_abspos, abs_start2, side="right") - 1 ) else: rel_bin1 = np.floor(start1 / binsize).astype(int) rel_bin2 = np.floor(start2 / binsize).astype(int) chunk["bin1_id"] = chrom_binoffset[chrom_id1] + rel_bin1 chunk["bin2_id"] = chrom_binoffset[chrom_id2] + rel_bin2 return ( chunk.groupby(self.index_columns, sort=True) .aggregate(self.agg) .reset_index() ) def aggregate(self, span: tuple[int, int]) -> pd.DataFrame: try: chunk = self._aggregate(span) except MemoryError as e: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(str(e)) from e return chunk def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[dict[str, np.ndarray]]: # Distribute batches of `batchsize` pixel spans at once. batchsize = self.batchsize spans = list(zip(self.edges[:-1], self.edges[1:])) for i in range(0, len(spans), batchsize): try: if batchsize > 1: lock.acquire() results = self._map(self.aggregate, spans[i : i + batchsize]) finally: if batchsize > 1: lock.release() for df in results: yield {k: v.values for k, v in df.items()}
[docs] def coarsen_cooler( base_uri: str, output_uri: str, factor: int, chunksize: int, nproc: int = 1, columns: list[str] | None = None, dtypes: dict[str, Any] | None = None, agg: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Coarsen a cooler to a lower resolution by an integer factor *k*. This is done by pooling *k*-by-*k* neighborhoods of pixels and aggregating. Each chromosomal block is coarsened individually. Result is a coarsened cooler stored at ``output_uri``. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 Parameters ---------- base_uri : str Input cooler file path or URI. output_uri : str Input cooler file path or URI. factor : int Coarsening factor. chunksize : int Number of pixels processed at a time per worker. nproc : int, optional Number of workers for batch processing of pixels. Default is 1, i.e. no process pool. columns : list of str, optional Specify which pixel value columns to include in the aggregation. Default is to use all available value columns. dtypes : dict, optional Specific dtypes to use for value columns. Default is to propagate the current dtypes of the value columns. agg : dict, optional Functions to use for aggregating each value column. Pass the same kind of dict accepted by ``pandas.DataFrame.groupby.agg``. Default is to apply 'sum' to every value column. kwargs Passed to ``cooler.create``. See also -------- cooler.zoomify_cooler cooler.merge_coolers """ # TODO: decide whether to default to 'count' or whatever is there besides # bin1_id, bin2_id dtypes = dict(clr.pixels().dtypes.drop(['bin1_id', 'bin2_id'])) clr = Cooler(base_uri) factor = int(factor) if columns is None: columns = ["count"] if dtypes is None: dtypes = {} input_dtypes = clr.pixels().dtypes for col in columns: if col not in input_dtypes: raise ValueError( f"Pixel value column '{col}' not found in " f"input '{clr.filename}'." ) else: dtypes.setdefault(col, input_dtypes[col]) try: # Note: fork before opening to prevent inconsistent global HDF5 state if nproc > 1: pool = mp.Pool(nproc) kwargs.setdefault("lock", lock) iterator = CoolerCoarsener( base_uri, factor, chunksize, columns=columns, agg=agg, batchsize=nproc, if nproc > 1 else map, ) new_bins = iterator.new_bins kwargs.setdefault("append", True) create( output_uri, new_bins, iterator, dtypes=dtypes, symmetric_upper=clr.storage_mode == "symmetric-upper", **kwargs, ) finally: if nproc > 1: pool.close()
[docs] def zoomify_cooler( base_uris: str | list[str], outfile: str, resolutions: list[int], chunksize: int, nproc: int = 1, columns: list[str] | None = None, dtypes: dict[str, Any] | None = None, agg: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Generate multiple cooler resolutions by recursive coarsening. Result is a "zoomified" or "multires" cool file stored at ``outfile`` using the MCOOL v2 layout, where coolers are stored under a hierarchy of the form ``resolutions/<r>`` for each resolution ``r``. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 Parameters ---------- base_uris : str or sequence of str One or more cooler URIs to use as "base resolutions" for aggregation. outfile : str Output multires cooler (mcool) file path. resolutions : list of int A list of target resolutions to generate. chunksize : int Number of pixels processed at a time per worker. nproc : int, optional Number of workers for batch processing of pixels. Default is 1, i.e. no process pool. columns : list of str, optional Specify which pixel value columns to include in the aggregation. Default is to use only the column named 'count' if it exists. dtypes : dict, optional Specific dtypes to use for value columns. Default is to propagate the current dtypes of the value columns. agg : dict, optional Functions to use for aggregating each value column. Pass the same kind of dict accepted by ``pandas.DataFrame.groupby.agg``. Default is to apply 'sum' to every value column. kwargs Passed to ``cooler.create``. See also -------- cooler.coarsen_cooler cooler.merge_coolers """ # TODO: provide presets? {'pow2', '4dn'} if isinstance(base_uris, str): base_uris = [base_uris] parsed_uris = {} n_bins_longest_chrom = {} base_resolutions = set() for input_uri in base_uris: infile, ingroup = parse_cooler_uri(input_uri) clr = Cooler(infile, ingroup) base_binsize = 1 if clr.binsize is None else clr.binsize parsed_uris[base_binsize] = (infile, ingroup) n_bins_longest_chrom[base_binsize] = ( clr.bins()[:] .groupby("chrom", observed=True) .size() .max() ) base_resolutions.add(base_binsize) # Determine the sequence of reductions. resn, pred, mult = get_multiplier_sequence(resolutions, base_resolutions) n_zooms = len(resn)"Copying base matrices and producing {n_zooms} new zoom levels.") if columns is None: columns = ["count"] # Copy base matrix for base_binsize in base_resolutions:"Bin size: " + str(base_binsize)) infile, ingroup = parsed_uris[base_binsize] with h5py.File(infile, "r") as src, \ h5py.File(outfile, "w") as dest: # fmt: skip prefix = f"/resolutions/{base_binsize}" src.copy(ingroup + "/chroms", dest, prefix + "/chroms") src.copy(ingroup + "/bins", dest, prefix + "/bins") for col in ["bin1_id", "bin2_id", *list(columns)]: src.copy( ingroup + f"/pixels/{col}", dest, prefix + f"/pixels/{col}", ) src.copy(ingroup + "/indexes", dest, prefix + "/indexes") dest[prefix].attrs.update(src[ingroup].attrs) # Aggregate # Use lock to sync read/write ops on same file for i in range(n_zooms): if pred[i] == -1: continue prev_binsize = resn[pred[i]] binsize = prev_binsize * mult[i]"Aggregating from {prev_binsize} to {binsize}.") coarsen_cooler( outfile + f"::resolutions/{prev_binsize}", outfile + f"::resolutions/{binsize}", mult[i], chunksize, nproc=nproc, columns=columns, dtypes=dtypes, agg=agg, mode="r+", **kwargs, ) with h5py.File(outfile, "r+") as fw: fw.attrs.update( {"format": "HDF5::MCOOL", "format-version": __format_version_mcool__} )
def legacy_zoomify( input_uri: str, outfile: str, nproc: int, chunksize: int, lock=None ) -> tuple[int, dict[str, int]]: """ Quad-tree tiling using legacy MCOOL layout (::0, ::1, ::2, etc.). """ infile, ingroup = parse_cooler_uri(input_uri) clr = Cooler(infile, ingroup) n_zooms = get_quadtree_depth(clr.chromsizes, clr.binsize, HIGLASS_TILE_DIM) factor = 2"total_length (bp): {np.sum(clr.chromsizes)}")"binsize: {clr.binsize}")"n_zooms: {n_zooms}")"quad tile cover: {2 ** n_zooms}") "Copying base matrix to level " + f"{n_zooms} and producing {n_zooms} new zoom levels " + "counting down to 0..." ) zoom_levels = OrderedDict() zoomLevel = str(n_zooms) binsize = clr.binsize"Zoom level: " + str(zoomLevel) + " bin size: " + str(binsize)) # Copy base matrix with h5py.File(infile, "r") as src, \ h5py.File(outfile, "w") as dest: # fmt: skip src.copy(ingroup, dest, str(zoomLevel)) zoom_levels[zoomLevel] = binsize # Aggregate # Use lock to sync read/write ops on same file for i in range(n_zooms - 1, -1, -1): # prev_binsize = binsize binsize *= factor prevLevel = str(i + 1) zoomLevel = str(i) "Aggregating at zoom level: " + str(zoomLevel) + " bin size: " + str(binsize) ) coarsen_cooler( outfile + "::" + str(prevLevel), outfile + "::" + str(zoomLevel), factor, chunksize=chunksize, nproc=nproc, lock=lock, ) zoom_levels[zoomLevel] = binsize with h5py.File(outfile, "r+") as fw: fw.attrs.update({"max-zoom": n_zooms}) # grp = fw.require_group('.zooms') fw.attrs["max-zooms"] = n_zooms fw.attrs.update(zoom_levels) return n_zooms, zoom_levels