Install cooler
from PyPI using pip.
$ pip install cooler
Python 2.7 or 3.4 and higher
Python packages
We highly recommend using the conda package manager to install scientific packages like these. To get conda, you can download either the full Anaconda Python distribution which comes with lots of data science software or the minimal Miniconda distribution which is just the standalone package manager plus Python. In the latter case, you can install the packages as follows:
$ conda install numpy scipy pandas h5py
If you are using conda, you can alternatively install cooler from the bioconda channel.
$ conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda cooler
Command line interface
Jupyter Notebook CLI walkthrough.
The CLI Reference for more information.
The cooler
package includes command line tools for creating, querying and manipulating cooler files.
$ cooler cload pairs hg19.chrom.sizes:10000 $PAIRS_FILE out.10000.cool
$ cooler balance -p 10 out.10000.cool
$ cooler dump -b -t pixels --header --join -r chr3:10M-12M -r2 chr17 out.10000.cool | head
chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 count balanced
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 0 10000 1 0.810766
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 520000 530000 1 1.2055
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 640000 650000 1 0.587372
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 900000 910000 1 1.02558
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 1030000 1040000 1 0.718195
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 1320000 1330000 1 0.803212
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 1500000 1510000 1 0.925146
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 1750000 1760000 1 0.950326
chr3 10000000 10010000 chr17 1800000 1810000 1 0.745982
Python API
Jupyter Notebook API walkthrough.
The API Reference for more information.
The cooler
library provides a thin wrapper over the excellent NumPy-aware h5py Python interface to HDF5. It supports creation of cooler files and the following types of range queries on the data:
Tabular selections are retrieved as Pandas DataFrames and Series.
Matrix selections are retrieved as NumPy arrays, DataFrames, or SciPy sparse matrices.
Metadata is retrieved as a json-serializable Python dictionary.
Range queries can be supplied using either integer bin indexes or genomic coordinate intervals.
>>> import cooler
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> c = cooler.Cooler('bigDataset.cool')
>>> resolution = c.binsize
>>> mat = c.matrix(balance=True).fetch('chr5:10,000,000-15,000,000')
>>> plt.matshow(np.log10(mat), cmap='YlOrRd')
>>> import multiprocessing as mp
>>> import h5py
>>> pool = mp.Pool(8)
>>> c = cooler.Cooler('bigDataset.cool')
>>> weights, stats = cooler.balance_cooler(c, map=pool.map, ignore_diags=3, min_nnz=10)