Source code for cooler.create._create

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import os.path as op
import posixpath
import tempfile
import warnings
from import Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import simplejson as json

from .._logging import get_logger
from .._typing import Tabular
from .._version import __format_version__, __format_version_scool__, __version__
from ..core import get, put
from ..util import (
from . import (
from ._ingest import validate_pixels

logger = get_logger("cooler.create")

def write_chroms(grp: h5py.Group, chroms: pd.DataFrame, h5opts: dict) -> None:
    Write the chromosome table.

    grp : h5py.Group
        Group handle of an open HDF5 file with write permissions.
    chroms : DataFrame
        Chromosome table containing at least 'chrom' and 'length' columns
    h5opts : dict
        HDF5 dataset filter options.

    n_chroms = len(chroms)
    names = np.array(chroms["name"], dtype=CHROM_DTYPE)  # auto-adjusts char length
        "name", shape=(n_chroms,), dtype=names.dtype, data=names, **h5opts

    # Extra columns
    columns = list(chroms.keys())
    for col in ["name", "length"]:
    if columns:
        put(grp, chroms[columns])

def write_bins(
    grp: h5py.Group,
    bins: pd.DataFrame,
    chromnames: list[str],
    h5opts: dict,
    chrom_as_enum: bool = True,
) -> None:
    Write the genomic bin table.

    grp : h5py.Group
        Group handle of an open HDF5 file with write permissions.
    bins : pandas.DataFrame
        BED-like data frame with at least three columns: ``chrom``, ``start``,
        ``end``, sorted by ``chrom`` then ``start``, and forming a complete
        genome segmentation. The ``chrom`` column must be sorted according to
        the ordering in ``chroms``.
    chromnames : sequence of str
        Contig names.
    h5opts : dict
        HDF5 dataset filter options.

    n_chroms = len(chromnames)
    n_bins = len(bins)
    idmap = dict(zip(chromnames, range(n_chroms)))

    # Convert chrom names to enum
    chrom_ids = [idmap[chrom] for chrom in bins["chrom"]]
    if chrom_as_enum:
        chrom_dtype = h5py.special_dtype(enum=(CHROMID_DTYPE, idmap))
        chrom_dtype = CHROMID_DTYPE

    # Store bins
        chrom_dset = grp.create_dataset(
            "chrom", shape=(n_bins,), dtype=chrom_dtype, data=chrom_ids, **h5opts
    except ValueError:
        # If too many scaffolds for HDF5 enum header,
        # try storing chrom IDs as raw int instead
        if chrom_as_enum:
            chrom_as_enum = False
            chrom_dtype = CHROMID_DTYPE
            chrom_dset = grp.create_dataset(
                "chrom", shape=(n_bins,), dtype=chrom_dtype, data=chrom_ids, **h5opts
    if not chrom_as_enum:
        chrom_dset.attrs["enum_path"] = "/chroms/name"

        "start", shape=(n_bins,), dtype=COORD_DTYPE, data=bins["start"], **h5opts
        "end", shape=(n_bins,), dtype=COORD_DTYPE, data=bins["end"], **h5opts

    # Extra columns
    columns = list(bins.keys())
    for col in ["chrom", "start", "end"]:
    if columns:
        put(grp, bins[columns])

def prepare_pixels(
    grp: h5py.Group,
    n_bins: int,
    max_size: int,
    columns: pd.Index | list[str],
    dtypes: pd.Series | dict[str, Any],
    h5opts: dict,
) -> None:
    columns = list(columns)
    init_size = min(5 * n_bins, max_size)
        dtype=dtypes.get("bin1_id", BIN_DTYPE),
        dtype=dtypes.get("bin2_id", BIN_DTYPE),

    if "count" in columns:
            dtype=dtypes.get("count", COUNT_DTYPE),

    for col in ["bin1_id", "bin2_id", "count"]:
        except ValueError:

    if columns:
        for col in columns:
                dtype=dtypes.get(col, float),

def write_pixels(
    filepath: str,
    grouppath: str,
    columns: pd.Index | list[str],
    iterable: Tabular | Iterable[Tabular],
    h5opts: dict,
    lock: Any | None,
) -> tuple[int, int]:
    Write the non-zero pixel table.

    filepath : str
        Path to HDF5 output file.
    grouppath : str
        Qualified path to destination HDF5 group.
    columns : sequence
        Sequence of column names
    iterable : an iterable object
        An object that processes and yields binned contacts from some input
        source as a stream of chunks. The chunks must be either pandas
        DataFrames or mappings of column names to arrays.
    h5opts : dict
        HDF5 filter options.
    lock : multiprocessing.Lock, optional
        Optional lock to synchronize concurrent HDF5 file access.

    nnz = 0
    total = 0
    for i, chunk in enumerate(iterable):
        if isinstance(chunk, pd.DataFrame):
            chunk = {k: v.values for k, v in chunk.items()}

            if lock is not None:

            logger.debug(f"writing chunk {i}")

            with h5py.File(filepath, "r+") as fw:
                grp = fw[grouppath]
                dsets = [grp[col] for col in columns]

                n = len(chunk[columns[0]])
                for col, dset in zip(columns, dsets):
                    dset.resize((nnz + n,))
                    dset[nnz : nnz + n] = chunk[col]
                nnz += n
                if "count" in chunk:
                    total += chunk["count"].sum()


            if lock is not None:

    return nnz, total

def index_pixels(grp: h5py.Group, n_bins: int, nnz: int) -> np.ndarray:
    bin1 = grp["bin1_id"]
    bin1_offset = np.zeros(n_bins + 1, dtype=BIN1OFFSET_DTYPE)
    curr_val = 0
    for start, _length, value in zip(*rlencode(bin1, 1000000)):
        bin1_offset[curr_val : value + 1] = start
        curr_val = value + 1
    bin1_offset[curr_val:] = nnz
    return bin1_offset

def index_bins(grp: h5py.Group, n_chroms: int, n_bins: int) -> np.ndarray:
    chrom_ids = grp["chrom"]
    chrom_offset = np.zeros(n_chroms + 1, dtype=CHROMOFFSET_DTYPE)
    curr_val = 0
    for start, _length, value in zip(*rlencode(chrom_ids)):
        chrom_offset[curr_val : value + 1] = start
        curr_val = value + 1
    chrom_offset[curr_val:] = n_bins
    return chrom_offset

def write_indexes(
    grp: h5py.Group,
    chrom_offset: np.ndarray,
    bin1_offset: np.ndarray,
    h5opts: dict
) -> None:
    Write the indexes.

    grp : h5py.Group
        Group handle of an open HDF5 file with write permissions.
    chrom_offset : sequence
        Lookup table: chromosome ID -> first row in bin table (bin ID)
        corresponding to that chromosome.
    bin1_offset : sequence
        Lookup table: genomic bin ID -> first row in pixel table (pixel ID)
        having that bin on the first axis.


def write_info(grp: h5py.Group, info: dict, scool: bool = False) -> None:
    Write the file description and metadata attributes.

    grp : h5py.Group
        Group handle of an open HDF5 file with write permissions.
    info : dict
        Dictionary, unnested with the possible exception of the ``metadata``
        key. ``metadata``, if present, must be JSON-serializable.

    Required keys
    nbins : int
        number of genomic bins
    nnz : int
        number of non-zero pixels

    assert "nbins" in info
    if not scool:
        assert "nnz" in info
    info.setdefault("genome-assembly", "unknown")
    info["metadata"] = json.dumps(info.get("metadata", {}))
    info["creation-date"] =
    info["generated-by"] = "cooler-" + __version__
    if scool:
        info["format"] = MAGIC_SCOOL
        info["format-version"] = __format_version_scool__
        info["format"] = MAGIC
        info["format-version"] = __format_version__
    info["format-url"] = URL

def _rename_chroms(
    grp: h5py.Group, rename_dict: dict[str, str], h5opts: dict
) -> None:
    chroms = get(grp["chroms"]).set_index("name")
    n_chroms = len(chroms)
    new_names = np.array(
        chroms.rename(rename_dict).index.values, dtype=CHROM_DTYPE
    )  # auto-adjusts char length

    # Replace chroms/name
    del grp["chroms/name"]
        "name", shape=(n_chroms,), dtype=new_names.dtype, data=new_names, **h5opts

    # Replace the bins/chroms enum mapping if applicable
    bins = get(grp["bins"])
    n_bins = len(bins)
    if isinstance(bins["chrom"].dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
        idmap = dict(zip(new_names, range(n_chroms)))
        chrom_ids = bins["chrom"]
        chrom_dtype = h5py.special_dtype(enum=(CHROMID_DTYPE, idmap))
        del grp["bins/chrom"]
                "chrom", shape=(n_bins,), dtype=chrom_dtype, data=chrom_ids, **h5opts
        except ValueError:
            # If HDF5 enum header would be too large,
            # try storing chrom IDs as raw int instead
            chrom_dtype = CHROMID_DTYPE
                "chrom", shape=(n_bins,), dtype=chrom_dtype, data=chrom_ids, **h5opts

[docs] def rename_chroms( clr, rename_dict: dict[str, str], h5opts: dict | None = None ) -> None: """ Substitute existing chromosome/contig names for new ones. They will be written to the file and the Cooler object will be refreshed. Parameters ---------- clr : Cooler Cooler object that can be opened with write permissions. rename_dict : dict Dictionary of old -> new chromosome names. Any names omitted from the dictionary will be kept as is. h5opts : dict, optional HDF5 filter options. """ h5opts = _set_h5opts(h5opts) with"r+") as f: _rename_chroms(f, rename_dict, h5opts) clr._refresh()
def _get_dtypes_arg( dtypes: pd.Series | dict | None, kwargs: dict[str, Any] ) -> pd.Series | dict | None: if "dtype" in kwargs: if dtypes is None: dtypes = kwargs.pop("dtype") warnings.warn( "Use dtypes= instead of dtype=", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2 ) else: raise ValueError( 'Received both "dtypes" and "dtype" arguments. ' 'Please use "dtypes" to provide a column name -> dtype mapping. ' '"dtype" remains as an alias but is deprecated.' ) return dtypes def _set_h5opts(h5opts: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: result = {} if h5opts is not None: result.update(h5opts) available_opts = { "chunks", "maxshape", "compression", "compression_opts", "scaleoffset", "shuffle", "fletcher32", "fillvalue", "track_times", } for key in result.keys(): if key not in available_opts: raise ValueError(f"Unknown storage option '{key}'.") result.setdefault("compression", "gzip") if result["compression"] == "gzip" and "compression_opts" not in result: result["compression_opts"] = 6 result.setdefault("shuffle", True) return result def create( cool_uri, bins, pixels, columns=None, dtypes=None, metadata=None, assembly=None, symmetric_upper=True, mode=None, h5opts=None, boundscheck=True, triucheck=True, dupcheck=True, ensure_sorted=False, lock=None, append=False, append_scool=False, scool_root_uri=None, **kwargs, ): """ Create a new Cooler. Deprecated parameters --------------------- chromsizes : Series Chromsizes are now inferred from ``bins``. append : bool, optional Append new Cooler to the file if it exists. If False, an existing file with the same name will be truncated. Default is False. Use the ``mode`` argument instead. dtype : dict, optional Dictionary mapping column names in the pixel table to dtypes. Use the ``dtypes`` argument instead. """ file_path, group_path = parse_cooler_uri(cool_uri) file_path = op.realpath(file_path) if mode is None: mode = "a" if append else "w" h5opts = _set_h5opts(h5opts) if not isinstance(bins, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError( "Second positional argument must be a pandas DataFrame. " "Note that the `chromsizes` argument is now deprecated: " "see documentation for `create`." ) if append_scool and scool_root_uri is None: raise ValueError( "If the parameter `append_scool` is set, the parameter " "`scool_root_uri` must be defined." ) dtypes = _get_dtypes_arg(dtypes, kwargs) for col in ["chrom", "start", "end"]: if col not in bins.columns: raise ValueError(f"Missing column from bin table: '{col}'.") # Populate expected pixel column names. Include user-provided value # columns. if columns is None: columns = ["bin1_id", "bin2_id", "count"] else: columns = list(columns) for col in ["bin1_id", "bin2_id"]: # don't include count! if col not in columns: columns.insert(0, col) # Populate dtypes for expected pixel columns, and apply user overrides. if dtypes is None: dtypes = dict(PIXEL_DTYPES) else: dtypes_ = dict(dtypes) dtypes = dict(PIXEL_DTYPES) dtypes.update(dtypes_) # Get empty "meta" header frame (assigns the undeclared dtypes). # Any columns from the input not in meta will be ignored. meta = get_meta(columns, dtypes, default_dtype=float) # Determine the appropriate iterable try: from dask.dataframe import DataFrame as dask_df except (ImportError, AttributeError): # pragma: no cover dask_df = () if isinstance(pixels, dask_df): iterable = (x.compute() for x in pixels.to_delayed()) input_columns = infer_meta(pixels).columns elif isinstance(pixels, pd.DataFrame): iterable = (pixels,) input_columns = infer_meta(pixels).columns elif isinstance(pixels, dict): iterable = (pixels,) input_columns = infer_meta([(k, v.dtype) for (k, v) in pixels.items()]).columns else: iterable = pixels input_columns = None # If possible, ensure all expected columns are available if input_columns is not None: for col in columns: if col not in input_columns: col_type = "Standard" if col in PIXEL_FIELDS else "User" raise ValueError(f"{col_type} column not found in input: '{col}'") # Prepare chroms and bins bins = bins.copy() bins["chrom"] = bins["chrom"].astype(object) chromsizes = get_chromsizes(bins) try: chromsizes = chromsizes.items() except AttributeError: pass chromnames, lengths = zip(*chromsizes) chroms = pd.DataFrame( {"name": chromnames, "length": lengths}, columns=["name", "length"] ) binsize = get_binsize(bins) n_chroms = len(chroms) n_bins = len(bins) if not symmetric_upper and triucheck: warnings.warn( "Creating a non-symmetric matrix, but `triucheck` was set to " "True. Changing to False.", stacklevel=2, ) triucheck = False # Chain input validation to the end of the pipeline if boundscheck or triucheck or dupcheck or ensure_sorted: validator = validate_pixels( n_bins, boundscheck, triucheck, dupcheck, ensure_sorted ) iterable = map(validator, iterable) # Create root group with h5py.File(file_path, mode) as f:'Creating cooler at "{file_path}::{group_path}"') if group_path == "/": for name in ["chroms", "bins", "pixels", "indexes"]: if name in f: del f[name] else: try: f.create_group(group_path) except ValueError: del f[group_path] f.create_group(group_path) # Write chroms, bins and pixels if append_scool: src_path, src_group = parse_cooler_uri(scool_root_uri) dst_path, dst_group = parse_cooler_uri(cool_uri) with h5py.File(src_path, "r+") as src, h5py.File(dst_path, "r+") as dst: dst[dst_group]["chroms"] = src["chroms"] # hard link to root bins table, but only the three main datasets dst[dst_group]["bins/chrom"] = src["bins/chrom"] dst[dst_group]["bins/start"] = src["bins/start"] dst[dst_group]["bins/end"] = src["bins/end"] # create per cell the additional columns e.g. 'weight' # these columns are individual for each cell columns = list(bins.keys()) for col in ["chrom", "start", "end"]: columns.remove(col) if columns: put(dst[dst_group]["bins"], bins[columns]) with h5py.File(file_path, "r+") as f: h5 = f[group_path] grp = h5.create_group("pixels") if symmetric_upper: max_size = n_bins * (n_bins - 1) // 2 + n_bins else: max_size = n_bins * n_bins prepare_pixels( grp, n_bins, max_size, meta.columns, dict(meta.dtypes), h5opts ) else: with h5py.File(file_path, "r+") as f: h5 = f[group_path]"Writing chroms") grp = h5.create_group("chroms") write_chroms(grp, chroms, h5opts)"Writing bins") grp = h5.create_group("bins") write_bins(grp, bins, chroms["name"], h5opts) grp = h5.create_group("pixels") if symmetric_upper: max_size = n_bins * (n_bins - 1) // 2 + n_bins else: max_size = n_bins * n_bins prepare_pixels( grp, n_bins, max_size, meta.columns, dict(meta.dtypes), h5opts ) # Multiprocess HDF5 reading is supported only if the same HDF5 file is not # open in write mode anywhere. To read and write to the same file, pass a # lock shared with the HDF5 reading processes. `write_pixels` will acquire # it and open the file for writing for the duration of each write step # only. After it closes the file and releases the lock, the reading # processes will have to re-acquire the lock and re-open the file to obtain # the updated file state for reading."Writing pixels") target = posixpath.join(group_path, "pixels") nnz, ncontacts = write_pixels( file_path, target, meta.columns, iterable, h5opts, lock ) # Write indexes with h5py.File(file_path, "r+") as f: h5 = f[group_path]"Writing indexes") grp = h5.create_group("indexes") chrom_offset = index_bins(h5["bins"], n_chroms, n_bins) bin1_offset = index_pixels(h5["pixels"], n_bins, nnz) write_indexes(grp, chrom_offset, bin1_offset, h5opts)"Writing info") info = {} info["bin-type"] = "fixed" if binsize is not None else "variable" info["bin-size"] = binsize if binsize is not None else "null" info["storage-mode"] = "symmetric-upper" if symmetric_upper else "square" info["nchroms"] = n_chroms info["nbins"] = n_bins info["sum"] = ncontacts info["nnz"] = nnz if assembly is not None: info["genome-assembly"] = assembly if metadata is not None: info["metadata"] = metadata write_info(h5, info) def create_from_unordered( cool_uri, bins, chunks, columns=None, dtypes=None, mode=None, mergebuf=20_000_000, delete_temp=True, temp_dir=None, max_merge=200, **kwargs, ): """ Create a Cooler in two passes via an external sort mechanism. In the first pass, a sequence of data chunks are processed and sorted in memory and saved to temporary Coolers. In the second pass, the temporary Coolers are merged into the output. This way the individual chunks do not need to be provided in any particular order. """ from .._reduce import CoolerMerger from ..api import Cooler # chromsizes = get_chromsizes(bins) bins = bins.copy() bins["chrom"] = bins["chrom"].astype(object) if columns is not None: columns = [col for col in columns if col not in {"bin1_id", "bin2_id"}] if temp_dir is None: temp_dir = op.dirname(parse_cooler_uri(cool_uri)[0]) elif temp_dir == "-": temp_dir = None # makes tempfile module use the system dir dtypes = _get_dtypes_arg(dtypes, kwargs) is_windows = == "nt" if is_windows and delete_temp: delete = False else: delete = delete_temp temp_files = [] # Sort pass tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix="", delete=delete, dir=temp_dir ) temp_files.append(tf) uris = [] for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): uri = + "::" + str(i) uris.append(uri)"Writing chunk {i}: {uri}") create(uri, bins, chunk, columns=columns, dtypes=dtypes, mode="a", **kwargs) # Merge passes n = len(uris) if n > max_merge > 0: # Recursive merge: do the first of two merge passes. # Divide into ~sqrt(n) merges edges = np.linspace(0, n, int(np.sqrt(n)), dtype=int) tf2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix="", delete=delete, dir=temp_dir ) temp_files.append(tf2) uris2 = [] for lo, hi in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:]): chunk_subset = CoolerMerger( [Cooler(uri) for uri in uris[lo:hi]], mergebuf, columns=columns ) uri = + "::" + f"{lo}-{hi}" uris2.append(uri)"Merging chunks {lo}-{hi}: {uri}") create( uri, bins, chunk_subset, columns=columns, dtypes=dtypes, mode="a", **kwargs, ) final_uris = uris2 else: # Do a single merge pass final_uris = uris # Do the final merge pass chunks = CoolerMerger( [Cooler(uri) for uri in final_uris], mergebuf, columns=columns )"Merging into {cool_uri}") create(cool_uri, bins, chunks, columns=columns, dtypes=dtypes, mode=mode, **kwargs) if is_windows and delete_temp: for tf in temp_files: if not tf.closed: tf.close() os.remove( del temp_files def append( cool_uri, table, data, chunked=False, force=False, h5opts=None, lock=None ): # pragma: no cover """ Append one or more data columns to an existing table. Parameters ---------- cool_uri : str Path to Cooler file or URI to Cooler group. table : str Name of table (HDF5 group). data : dict-like DataFrame, Series or mapping of column names to data. If the input is a dask DataFrame or Series, the data is written in chunks. chunked : bool, optional If True, the values of the data dict are treated as separate chunk iterators of column data. force : bool, optional If True, replace existing columns with the same name as the input. h5opts : dict, optional HDF5 dataset filter options to use (compression, shuffling, checksumming, etc.). Default is to use autochunking and GZIP compression, level 6. lock : multiprocessing.Lock, optional Optional lock to synchronize concurrent HDF5 file access. """ h5opts = _set_h5opts(h5opts) file_path, group_path = parse_cooler_uri(cool_uri) try: from dask.dataframe import DataFrame as dask_df from dask.dataframe import Series as dask_series except (ImportError, AttributeError): dask_df = () dask_series = () if isinstance(data, dask_series): data = data.to_frame() try: names = data.keys() except AttributeError: names = data.columns with h5py.File(file_path, "r+") as f: h5 = f[group_path] for name in names: if name in h5[table]: if not force: raise ValueError( f"'{name}' column already exists. " + "Use --force option to overwrite." ) else: del h5[table][name] if isinstance(data, dask_df): # iterate over dataframe chunks for chunk in data.to_delayed(): i = 0 for chunk in data.to_delayed(): chunk = chunk.compute() try: if lock is not None: lock.acquire() put(h5[table], chunk, lo=i, h5opts=h5opts) finally: if lock is not None: lock.release() i += len(chunk) elif chunked: # iterate over chunks from each column for key in data.keys(): i = 0 for chunk in data[key]: try: if lock is not None: lock.acquire() put(h5[table], {key: chunk}, lo=i, h5opts=h5opts) finally: if lock is not None: lock.release() i += len(chunk) else: # write all the data try: if lock is not None: lock.acquire() put(h5[table], data, lo=0, h5opts=h5opts) finally: if lock is not None: lock.release() _DOC_OTHER_PARAMS = """ columns : sequence of str, optional Customize which value columns from the input pixels to store in the cooler. Non-standard value columns will be given dtype ``float64`` unless overriden using the ``dtypes`` argument. If ``None``, we only attempt to store a value column named ``"count"``. dtypes : dict, optional Dictionary mapping column names to dtypes. Can be used to override the default dtypes of ``bin1_id``, ``bin2_id`` or ``count`` or assign dtypes to custom value columns. Non-standard value columns given in ``dtypes`` must also be provided in the ``columns`` argument or they will be ignored. metadata : dict, optional Experiment metadata to store in the file. Must be JSON compatible. assembly : str, optional Name of genome assembly. ordered : bool, optional [default: False] If the input chunks of pixels are provided with correct triangularity and in ascending order of (``bin1_id``, ``bin2_id``), set this to ``True`` to write the cooler in one step. If ``False`` (default), we create the cooler in two steps using an external sort mechanism. See Notes for more details. symmetric_upper : bool, optional [default: True] If True, sets the file's storage-mode property to ``symmetric-upper``: use this only if the input data references the upper triangle of a symmetric matrix! For all other cases, set this option to False. mode : {'w' , 'a'}, optional [default: 'w'] Write mode for the output file. 'a': if the output file exists, append the new cooler to it. 'w': if the output file exists, it will be truncated. Default is 'w'. Other parameters ---------------- mergebuf : int, optional Maximum number of records to buffer in memory at any give time during the merge step. delete_temp : bool, optional Whether to delete temporary files when finished. Useful for debugging. Default is False. temp_dir : str, optional Create temporary files in a specified directory instead of the same directory as the output file. Pass ``-`` to use the system default. max_merge : int, optional If merging more than ``max_merge`` chunks, do the merge recursively in two passes. h5opts : dict, optional HDF5 dataset filter options to use (compression, shuffling, checksumming, etc.). Default is to use autochunking and GZIP compression, level 6. lock : multiprocessing.Lock, optional Optional lock to control concurrent access to the output file. ensure_sorted : bool, optional Ensure that each input chunk is properly sorted. boundscheck : bool, optional Input validation: Check that all bin IDs lie in the expected range. dupcheck : bool, optional Input validation: Check that no duplicate pixels exist within any chunk. triucheck : bool, optional Input validation: Check that ``bin1_id`` <= ``bin2_id`` when creating coolers in symmetric-upper mode. """.strip() _DOC_NOTES = """ Notes ----- If the pixel chunks are provided in the correct order required for the output to be properly sorted, then the cooler can be created in a single step by setting ``ordered=True``. If not, the cooler is created in two steps via an external sort mechanism. In the first pass, the sequence of pixel chunks are processed and sorted in memory and saved to temporary coolers. In the second pass, the temporary coolers are merged into the output file. This way the individual chunks do not need to be provided in any particular order. When ``ordered=False``, the following options for the merge step are available: ``mergebuf``, ``delete_temp``, ``temp_dir``, ``max_merge``. Each chunk of pixels will go through a validation pipeline, which can be customized with the following options: ``boundscheck``, ``triucheck``, ``dupcheck``, ``ensure_sorted``. """.strip() def _format_docstring(**kwargs): def decorate(func): func.__doc__ = func.__doc__.format(**kwargs) return func return decorate
[docs] @_format_docstring(other_parameters=_DOC_OTHER_PARAMS, notes=_DOC_NOTES) def create_cooler( cool_uri: str, bins: pd.DataFrame, pixels: Tabular | Iterable[Tabular], columns: list[str] | None = None, dtypes: dict[str, Any] | None = None, metadata: dict | None = None, assembly: str | None = None, ordered: bool = False, symmetric_upper: bool = True, mode: str = "w", mergebuf: int = 20_000_000, delete_temp: bool = True, temp_dir: str | None = None, max_merge: str = 200, boundscheck: bool = True, dupcheck: bool = True, triucheck: bool = True, ensure_sorted: bool = False, h5opts: dict | None = None, lock: Any | None = None, ) -> None: r""" Create a cooler from bins and pixels at the specified URI. Because the number of pixels is often very large, the input pixels are normally provided as an iterable (e.g., an iterator or generator) of DataFrame **chunks** that fit in memory. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 Parameters ---------- cool_uri : str Path to cooler file or URI string. If the file does not exist, it will be created. bins : pandas.DataFrame Segmentation of the chromosomes into genomic bins as a BED-like DataFrame with columns ``chrom``, ``start`` and ``end``. May contain additional columns. pixels : DataFrame, dictionary, or iterable of either A table, given as a dataframe or a column-oriented dict, containing columns labeled ``bin1_id``, ``bin2_id`` and ``count``, sorted by (``bin1_id``, ``bin2_id``). If additional columns are included in the pixel table, their names and dtypes must be specified using the ``columns`` and ``dtypes`` arguments. For larger input data, an **iterable** can be provided that yields the pixel data as a sequence of chunks. If the input is a dask DataFrame, it will also be processed one chunk at a time. {other_parameters} See also -------- cooler.create_scool cooler.create.sanitize_records cooler.create.sanitize_pixels {notes} """ # dispatch to the approprate creation method if isinstance(pixels, (pd.DataFrame, dict)): pixels = pd.DataFrame(pixels).sort_values(["bin1_id", "bin2_id"]) ordered = True if ordered: create( cool_uri, bins, pixels, columns=columns, dtypes=dtypes, metadata=metadata, assembly=assembly, symmetric_upper=symmetric_upper, mode=mode, boundscheck=boundscheck, dupcheck=dupcheck, triucheck=triucheck, ensure_sorted=ensure_sorted, h5opts=h5opts, lock=lock, ) else: create_from_unordered( cool_uri, bins, pixels, columns=columns, dtypes=dtypes, metadata=metadata, assembly=assembly, symmetric_upper=symmetric_upper, mode=mode, boundscheck=boundscheck, dupcheck=dupcheck, triucheck=triucheck, ensure_sorted=ensure_sorted, h5opts=h5opts, lock=lock, mergebuf=mergebuf, delete_temp=delete_temp, temp_dir=temp_dir, max_merge=max_merge, )
[docs] @_format_docstring(other_parameters=_DOC_OTHER_PARAMS, notes=_DOC_NOTES) def create_scool( cool_uri: str, bins: pd.DataFrame, cell_name_pixels_dict: dict[str, pd.DataFrame], columns: list[str] | None = None, dtypes: dict[str, Any] | None = None, metadata: dict | None = None, assembly: str | None = None, ordered: bool = False, symmetric_upper: bool = True, mode: str = "w", mergebuf: int = 20_000_000, delete_temp: bool = True, temp_dir: str | None = None, max_merge: int = 200, boundscheck: bool = True, dupcheck: bool = True, triucheck: bool = True, ensure_sorted: bool = False, h5opts: dict | None = None, lock: Any | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: r""" Create a single-cell (scool) file. For each cell store a cooler matrix under **/cells**, where all matrices have the same dimensions. Each cell is a regular cooler data collection, so the input must be a bin table and pixel table for each cell. The pixel tables are provided as a dictionary where the key is a unique cell name. The bin tables can be provided as a dict with the same keys or a single common bin table can be given. .. versionadded:: 0.8.9 Parameters ---------- cool_uri : str Path to scool file or URI string. If the file does not exist, it will be created. bins : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or Dict[str, DataFrame] A single bin table or dictionary of cell names to bins tables. A bin table is a dataframe with columns ``chrom``, ``start`` and ``end``. May contain additional columns. cell_name_pixels_dict : Dict[str, DataFrame] Cell name as key and pixel table DataFrame as value. A table, given as a dataframe or a column-oriented dict, containing columns labeled ``bin1_id``, ``bin2_id`` and ``count``, sorted by (``bin1_id``, ``bin2_id``). If additional columns are included in the pixel table, their names and dtypes must be specified using the ``columns`` and ``dtypes`` arguments. For larger input data, an **iterable** can be provided that yields the pixel data as a sequence of chunks. If the input is a dask DataFrame, it will also be processed one chunk at a time. {other_parameters} See also -------- cooler.create_cooler cooler.zoomify_cooler {notes} """ file_path, group_path = parse_cooler_uri(cool_uri) h5opts = _set_h5opts(h5opts) if isinstance(bins, pd.DataFrame): bins_dict = {cell_name: bins for cell_name in cell_name_pixels_dict} cell_names = sorted(cell_name_pixels_dict) else: # Assume bins is a dict of cell name -> dataframe bins_dict = bins if len(bins_dict) == 0: raise ValueError("At least one bin must be given.") else: bins = bins_dict[next(iter(bins_dict))][["chrom", "start", "end"]] # Sort bins_dict and cell_name_pixels_dict to guarantee matching keys bins_keys = sorted(bins_dict) cell_names = sorted(cell_name_pixels_dict) for key_bins, key_pixels in zip(bins_keys, cell_names): if key_bins != key_pixels: raise ValueError("Bins and pixel dicts do not have matching keys") dtypes = _get_dtypes_arg(dtypes, kwargs) for col in ["chrom", "start", "end"]: if col not in bins.columns: raise ValueError(f"Missing column from bin table: '{col}'.") # Populate dtypes for expected pixel columns, and apply user overrides. if dtypes is None: dtypes = dict(PIXEL_DTYPES) else: dtypes_ = dict(dtypes) dtypes = dict(PIXEL_DTYPES) dtypes.update(dtypes_) # Determine the appropriate iterable # try: # from dask.dataframe import DataFrame as dask_df # except (ImportError, AttributeError): # pragma: no cover # dask_df = () # Prepare chroms and bins bins = bins.copy() bins["chrom"] = bins["chrom"].astype(object) chromsizes = get_chromsizes(bins) try: chromsizes = chromsizes.items() except AttributeError: pass chromnames, lengths = zip(*chromsizes) chroms = pd.DataFrame( {"name": chromnames, "length": lengths}, columns=["name", "length"] ) binsize = get_binsize(bins) n_chroms = len(chroms) n_bins = len(bins) # Create root group with h5py.File(file_path, mode) as f:'Creating cooler at "{file_path}::{group_path}"') if group_path == "/": for name in ["chroms", "bins"]: if name in f: del f[name] else: try: f.create_group(group_path) except ValueError: del f[group_path] f.create_group(group_path) with h5py.File(file_path, "r+") as f: h5 = f[group_path]"Writing chroms") grp = h5.create_group("chroms") write_chroms(grp, chroms, h5opts)"Writing bins") grp = h5.create_group("bins") write_bins(grp, bins, chroms["name"], h5opts) with h5py.File(file_path, "r+") as f: h5 = f[group_path]"Writing info") info = {} info["bin-type"] = "fixed" if binsize is not None else "variable" info["bin-size"] = binsize if binsize is not None else "null" info["nchroms"] = n_chroms info["ncells"] = len(cell_name_pixels_dict) info["nbins"] = n_bins if assembly is not None: info["genome-assembly"] = assembly if metadata is not None: info["metadata"] = metadata write_info(h5, info, True) # Append single cells for key in cell_names: if "/" in key: cell_name = key.split("/")[-1] else: cell_name = key create( cool_uri + "::/cells/" + cell_name, bins_dict[key], cell_name_pixels_dict[key], columns=columns, dtypes=dtypes, metadata=metadata, assembly=assembly, ordered=ordered, symmetric_upper=symmetric_upper, mode="a", boundscheck=boundscheck, dupcheck=dupcheck, triucheck=triucheck, ensure_sorted=ensure_sorted, h5opts=h5opts, lock=lock, mergebuf=mergebuf, delete_temp=delete_temp, temp_dir=temp_dir, max_merge=max_merge, append_scool=True, scool_root_uri=cool_uri, )