Source code for cooler.fileops

import os

# from textwrap import dedent
import warnings
from datetime import datetime

import simplejson as json

    from simplejson import JSONDecodeError
except ImportError:
    JSONDecodeError = ValueError  # PY35+

import h5py
from asciitree import BoxStyle, LeftAligned
from asciitree.traversal import Traversal

from .create import MAGIC, MAGIC_SCOOL
from .util import natsorted, parse_cooler_uri

__all__ = ["is_cooler", "is_multires_file", "list_coolers", "cp", "mv", "ln"]

def json_dumps(o):
    """Write JSON in a consistent, human-readable way."""
    return json.dumps(
        o, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=True, separators=(",", ": ")

def json_loads(s):
    """Read JSON in a consistent way."""
    return json.loads(s)

def decode_attr_value(obj):
    """Decode a numpy object or HDF5 attribute into a JSONable object"""
    if hasattr(obj, "item"):
        o = obj.item()
    elif hasattr(obj, "tolist"):
        o = obj.tolist()
    elif isinstance(obj, str):
            o = datetime.strptime(obj, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
        except ValueError:
                o = json.loads(obj)
            except JSONDecodeError:
                o = obj
        o = obj
    return o

class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, obj, depth=0, level=None):
        self.obj = obj
        self.depth = depth
        self.level = level

    def get_type(self):
        return type(self.obj).__name__

    def get_children(self):
        if hasattr(self.obj, "values"):
            if self.level is None or self.depth < self.level:
                depth = self.depth + 1
                children = self.obj.values()
                return [
                    self.__class__(o, depth=depth, level=self.level) for o in children
        return []

    def get_text(self):
        name ="/")[-1] or "/"
        if hasattr(self.obj, "shape"):
            name += f" {self.obj.shape} {self.obj.dtype}"
        return name

class AttrNode(TreeNode):
    def get_text(self):
        return"/")[-1] or "/"

def visititems(group, func, level=None):
    """Like :py:method:`h5py.Group.visititems`, but much faster somehow."""

    def _visititems(node, func, result=None):
        children = node.get_children()
        if children:
            for child in children:
                result[] = func(, child.obj)
                _visititems(child, func, result)
        return result

    root = TreeNode(group, level=level)
    return _visititems(root, func, {})

def _is_cooler(grp):
    fmt = grp.attrs.get("format", None)
    if fmt == MAGIC:
        keys = ("chroms", "bins", "pixels", "indexes")
        if not all(name in grp.keys() for name in keys):
            warnings.warn(f"Cooler path {} appears to be corrupt")
        return True
    return False

[docs]def is_cooler(uri): """ Determine if a URI string references a cooler data collection. Returns False if the file or group path doesn't exist. """ filepath, grouppath = parse_cooler_uri(uri) if not h5py.is_hdf5(filepath): return False with h5py.File(filepath) as f: return _is_cooler(f[grouppath])
[docs]def is_multires_file(filepath, min_version=1): """ Determine if a file is a multi-res cooler file. Returns False if the file doesn't exist. """ if not h5py.is_hdf5(filepath): return False with h5py.File(filepath) as f: fmt = f.attrs.get("format", None) if "resolutions" in f.keys() and len(f["resolutions"].keys()) > 0: name = next(iter(f["resolutions"].keys())) if fmt == "HDF5::MCOOL" and _is_cooler(f["resolutions"][name]): return True elif "0" in f.keys() and _is_cooler(f["0"]) and min_version < 2: return True return False
def is_scool_file(filepath): """ Determine if a file is a single-cell cooler file. Returns False if the file doesn't exist. """ if not h5py.is_hdf5(filepath): raise OSError(f"'{filepath}' is not an HDF5 file.") return False with h5py.File(filepath) as f: fmt = f.attrs.get("format", None) if fmt == MAGIC_SCOOL: keys = ("chroms", "bins", "cells") if not all(name in f.keys() for name in keys): warnings.warn("Scool file appears to be corrupt") return False if "cells" in f.keys() and len(f["cells"].keys()) > 0: for cells in f["cells"].keys(): if not _is_cooler(f["cells"][cells]): return False return True return False
[docs]def list_coolers(filepath): """ List group paths to all cooler data collections in a file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Returns ------- list Cooler group paths in the file. """ if not h5py.is_hdf5(filepath): raise OSError(f"'{filepath}' is not an HDF5 file.") listing = [] def _check_cooler(pth, grp): if _is_cooler(grp): listing.append("/" + pth if not pth.startswith("/") else pth) with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as f: _check_cooler("/", f) visititems(f, _check_cooler) return natsorted(listing)
def list_scool_cells(filepath): """ List the paths to all single-cell cool matrices in a file scool file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Returns ------- list Cooler group paths of all cells in the file. """ def _check_cooler(pth, grp): if _is_cooler(grp): listing.append("/" + pth if not pth.startswith("/") else pth) if is_scool_file(filepath): listing = [] with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as f: _check_cooler("/", f) visititems(f, _check_cooler) if "/" in listing: listing.remove("/") return natsorted(listing) else: raise OSError(f"'{filepath}' is not a scool file.") return False def ls(uri): """ Get all groups and datasets in an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- uri : str Returns ------- list Group and dataset paths. """ filepath, grouppath = parse_cooler_uri(uri) if not h5py.is_hdf5(filepath): raise OSError(f"'{filepath}' is not an HDF5 file.") listing = [] def _check_all(pth, grp): listing.append("/" + pth if not pth.startswith("/") else pth) with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as f: _check_all(grouppath, f) visititems(f[grouppath], _check_all) return listing def _copy(src_uri, dst_uri, overwrite, link, rename, soft_link): src_path, src_group = parse_cooler_uri(src_uri) dst_path, dst_group = parse_cooler_uri(dst_uri) if sum([link, rename, soft_link]) > 1: raise ValueError('Must provide at most one of: "link", "rename", "soft_link"') if not os.path.isfile(dst_path) or overwrite: dst_write_mode = "w" else: dst_write_mode = "r+" if src_path == dst_path: src_write_mode = "r+" else: src_write_mode = "r" with h5py.File(src_path, src_write_mode) as src, \ h5py.File(dst_path, dst_write_mode) as dst: # fmt: skip if src_path == dst_path: if link or rename: src[dst_group] = src[src_group] if rename: del src[src_group] elif soft_link: src[dst_group] = h5py.SoftLink(src_group) else: src.copy(src_group, dst_group) else: if link: raise OSError("Can't hard link between two different files.") elif soft_link: dst[dst_group] = h5py.ExternalLink(src_path, src_group) else: if dst_group == "/": for subgrp in src[src_group].keys(): src.copy(src_group + "/" + subgrp, dst, subgrp) dst[dst_group].attrs.update(src[src_group].attrs) else: src.copy(src_group, dst, dst_group if dst_group != "/" else None)
[docs]def cp(src_uri, dst_uri, overwrite=False): """Copy a group or dataset from one file to another or within the same file.""" _copy(src_uri, dst_uri, overwrite, link=False, rename=False, soft_link=False)
[docs]def mv(src_uri, dst_uri, overwrite=False): """Rename a group or dataset within the same file.""" _copy(src_uri, dst_uri, overwrite, link=False, rename=True, soft_link=False)
[docs]def ln(src_uri, dst_uri, soft=False, overwrite=False): """Create a hard link to a group or dataset in the same file. Also supports soft links (in the same file) or external links (different files). """ _copy(src_uri, dst_uri, overwrite, link=not soft, rename=False, soft_link=soft)
###### # Tree rendering. Borrowed from zarr-python. def _tree_get_icon(stype): if stype in {"Dataset", "Array"}: return "table" elif stype in {"Group", "File"}: return "folder" else: raise ValueError("Unknown type: %s" % stype) def _tree_widget_sublist(node, root=False, expand=False): import ipytree result = ipytree.Node() result.icon = _tree_get_icon(node.get_type()) if root or (expand is True) or (isinstance(expand, int) and node.depth < expand): result.opened = True else: result.opened = False = node.get_text() result.nodes = [_tree_widget_sublist(c, expand=expand) for c in node.get_children()] result.disabled = True return result def tree_widget(group, expand, level): try: import ipytree except ImportError as error: raise ImportError( f"{error}: Run `pip install ipytree` or `conda install ipytree`" "to get the required ipytree dependency for displaying the tree " "widget. If using jupyterlab, you also need to run " "`jupyter labextension install ipytree`" ) from None result = ipytree.Tree() root = TreeNode(group, level=level) result.add_node(_tree_widget_sublist(root, root=True, expand=expand)) return result class TreeTraversal(Traversal): def get_children(self, node): return node.get_children() def get_root(self, tree): return tree def get_text(self, node): return node.get_text() class TreeViewer: """ Generates ascii- or html-based reprs for "Groupy" objects. Borrowed with minor modifications from the zarr project (Zarr Developers, MIT-licensed). <> See: zarr.util.TreeViewer, zarr.util.tree_html """ def __init__(self, group, expand=False, level=None, node_cls=TreeNode): = group self.expand = expand self.level = level self.text_kwargs = {"horiz_len": 2, "label_space": 1, "indent": 1} self.bytes_kwargs = { "UP_AND_RIGHT": "+", "HORIZONTAL": "-", "VERTICAL": "|", "VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT": "+", } self.unicode_kwargs = { "UP_AND_RIGHT": "\u2514", "HORIZONTAL": "\u2500", "VERTICAL": "\u2502", "VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT": "\u251C", } self.node_cls = node_cls def __bytes__(self): drawer = LeftAligned( traverse=TreeTraversal(), draw=BoxStyle(gfx=self.bytes_kwargs, **self.text_kwargs), ) root = self.node_cls(, level=self.level) result = drawer(root) # Unicode characters slip in on Python 3. # So we need to straighten that out first. result = result.encode() return result def __unicode__(self): drawer = LeftAligned( traverse=TreeTraversal(), draw=BoxStyle(gfx=self.unicode_kwargs, **self.text_kwargs), ) root = self.node_cls(, level=self.level) return drawer(root) def __repr__(self): return self.__unicode__() def _repr_mimebundle_(self): tree = tree_widget(, expand=self.expand, level=self.level) tree._repr_mimebundle_() return tree def read_attr_tree(group, level): def _getdict(node, root=False): attrs = node.obj.attrs result = {"@attrs": {k: decode_attr_value(v) for k, v in attrs.items()}} children = node.get_children() if children: for child in children: result[child.get_text()] = _getdict(child) return result return _getdict(AttrNode(group, level=level), root=True) def pprint_attr_tree(uri, level): from io import StringIO import yaml path, group = parse_cooler_uri(uri) with h5py.File(path, "r") as f: grp = f[group] s = StringIO() yaml.dump(read_attr_tree(grp, level), s) return s.getvalue() def pprint_data_tree(uri, level): path, group = parse_cooler_uri(uri) with h5py.File(path, "r") as f: grp = f[group] return repr(TreeViewer(grp, level=level)) ######